

Myspace killed the Personal Website

Back in 1999, when I first delved into website-making legend - the amounts of personal webpages were not only inmense, but more than 20% not only did not suck, they were actually pretty damn awesome!

But in the day, there used to be all these really cute girls from all over the country with awesome personal websites. And of course, I enjoyed it the most.

There were "rings" back there too, it linked personal sites to others, it allowed for complete strangers to wind up at your page almost daily, by the dozens. That's not so much the case now.

Enter MYSPACE - everyone and their mothers are now able to share picstures, blogs, music preferences, movie preferences, hell, people can even coment on your profile! In all honesty - I love it. I was able to get in touch with friends from Highschool, friends from my past in general - it's pretty sweet.

Except for the fact that - I have no clue as to where the personal webpages went.

One good thing however is that now, anybody who can read and write, can actually create their own profile on myspace, that is a good thing, people who would barely if ever share their thoughts or pictures, now CA do so with such a site.

But if you have the skills, fucking flaunt it all over... seriously. Don't get lazy!

I remember back then, about 5 years ago, the creative domain names - the creative people, I bet more than half of these boys and girls are now working as web designers. We grabed the HTML empire by the balls and took it for a ride. A very personal ride.

A ride I will try to recreate all over. And I surely hope others will join me.

In fact, if you haver a personal website - with your own blog, with your own pictures, with your own domain, that YOU yourself made. And didn't just fabricate with automated crazyness - then let me know, and I will put you in my LINKS section.

In the meantime, I have to be honest and admit that - that was a great and awesome era. The era of the personal websites.

Back when in order to share your pictures and thoughts, you spent hours upon hours on photoshop (many on trial versions) and notepad, Bbedit, cuteFTP, you name it. Those were the days.

I need a beer.
