

"These Kids Today"

First off, I have a slight problem with titling something with that, because for the sake of all that is awesome - I'm in my twenties. But that said... let's go ahead and continue.

The words almost escape me... a few years ago, kids that were their age listened to such crap as: Backstreet Boys (with a Z?), N*sync (with a K?), Britney Spears... and whatever other POP crap there might have been at the time.

We complained ad-nauseum about what crap the entire POP category was, with songs that were mostly if not all in the R&B and Teeny Bob genre. About how it was possible the parents allowed their kids to listen to such crap and what on earth people heard in their songs that could possibly drive them to PAY for the CDs and concerts. (I myself did enjoy a couple tunes, won't lie, but I would have NEVER paid good money for the crap.)

Cut to a few years ago, and suddenly the kids are all listening to what they refer to as "PUNK" - that's a whole new topic I won't jump into, but suffice it to say. For all intents and purposes, they're listening to POP.

Most of these bands actually sound kind of alright, but if there's a department that SUCKS, it would be the singing. Apparently singing is no big deal these days.

Aside from dating myself and acting like a "grown-up" who doesn't "get it" - I will say this... I DO get it, I have heard it... and it straight out sucks. There's no real soul behind it. The music sounds, it would seem... like Etherial POP.

What happened? The new kids actually do enjoy the good ROCK, the parents did a sort of alright job there (or was it the older siblings?) - but then they started to choose their own bands, and with the power of the almighty dollar, the new ROCKERS were born. A bunch of teenaged kids who can barely hold a tune, much less hold an audience for longer than 10 years. (Want to place some bets?)

But then there's the OTHER new kids, who we ALSO complain about. These ones claim to like what WE used to like... back... in the day... when THEY themselves... were probably being MADE.

And we laugh... but you know what?

Weren't we complaining that they didn't listen to the good tunes, well, now they claim to do so... so what's wrong? I seriously doubt the music in itself has much to do with. Now I'm beginning to think we just don't like them period. We're too elitist at this age that we find it hard to believe the neighbor's little boy/girl has grown up to like music that we could like.

Personally, I WANT to like "NEW STUFF" - and often times I do. Mostly I get the new CDs from bands I've always liked. But from time to time, I'll pick up something new, and whenever that happens, trust me... I couldn't be happier. It brings me hope.

I know sometime soon, again, singing will be important again. And yes, I'll listen to your bands you like...

Except for Fall Out Boy or Yellowcard, they SUCK.


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