

Communitarianism & the Idiocracy of Mankind

I'm not a Trekkie, but I've seen the movies and I have at least twice seen almost a full episode of any of the given series. Some of my friends however, do consider themselves Trekkies and from time to time the topic of the society in this series of films and TV series comes to conversation.

It's almost an utopia, or so it sounds like to me. Basically there is no money, most if not all are well educated, the common interest of the whole of mankind... is... surprisingly: MANKIND.

The times in which we live, it's hard for me to not get upset on an almost daily basis. There's many reasons why you can't quite "care for your each other" - and you can almost point at something, everytime you think about it.

I'm not about to start pointing any names, because in reality, EVERYONE is at fault. There's no need for the blaming game when we're ALL at fault. At some point in history, the idea of communism - which stands for COMMUNITY last time I heard, is as good as EVIL. At some point in history, the idea of having a belief or a faith, became a government and international diplomatics - instead of making everyone love one another (which, last I heard that's what they preach) it divides nations, peoples and families.

Let's not even mention the big companies, which instead of helping mankind grow and evolve, focus on making more and more money - honestly, at what point will the big cheese ever have ENOUGH money? It's ridiculous how much better of everyone would be at this point if we focused more on the goal, on the path mankind should be focusing on, which is, oddly enough, ourselves.

And fuck the children, I care for me right now, but me right now really wants we as a whole, to grow and be better.

There's a million causes out there, what's yours? I couldn't care less about animal rights or organic foods. To be quite honest, the list of things that would make me happy are rather... simpler, here's a few examples - and oddly enough, if any of these were to be made possible, a lot of money would start to be less available for very smart and very powerful people.

Just a list of first thoughts, and not at all a final by any means:

A vehicle that doesn't run by means of internal combustion. It's the year 2007, seriously folks, these damn cars have existed since the beginning of the 20th century. What's up with that?

A healthcare system that is based on tax-payers money. When every other smart country in Europe can handle this one, it's kind of dumb not to follow suit and/or move there.

Population Control.
I don't know you, but I'm really tired of the educated/well-of people holding out on having kids and/or having 2 to 3 kids, when the not-as-educated (read:dumb)/financially-unstable(read:poor) have kids on a yearly basis. Can we start dealing with this? I don't care how inhumanely it gets at this point.

A multi-focused Education System. At the stage we're in, the idea of college sounds like bullshit to a LOT of folks. I'm not surprised at all, certain people can do certain things better than other, while others can pull certain other things off, and so on. An education system focused almost entirely on Math and Language is going to leave you with a LOT of drop-outs. And a lot of these people while not dumb, will miss out on the so-called college-education if this isn't fixed. Add some friggin' ARTS to the requirements, for starters. Then go from there...

I'm serious, I don't want to go all Ra's al Ghul on your asses. I'm not religious and even I love you and yours MORE than you claim to love one another. And who is at fault? YOU. Not the government, not the companies... YOU. Because you just sit down and mope about it, but NOTHING gets done or spoken. I for one, BLAME the bum for not getting his SHARE.

This is like The Matrix (to put it in terms many will understand) but a lot Sadder, Dissapointing and Disgusting.

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